
God must be a boogie man wriggles through all four chambers of the human heart, delving deep into universal themes of love, loss, faith, fear and death. These poems slam against the good, the bad, and the persistent stupidity of our current times, deconstructing social media, technology and modernity in effervescently bold and experimental forms that engage the reader for the entire ride.
-2017 Book Baby
Works in Print
“Step 1: I am all go rhythm"
FENCE, 39 Winter
Spring, 2022 (Pushcart Prize nomination, Dec. 2022)
“Shopping for a Goddess"
International Woman's Day Anthology,
Moonstone Press
Volume 2, 2022
“I live in this city: thinking about Thoreau
Sinister Wisdom
Summer, 2020
“Writing is like sex…”
Fence, 36, Winter Early 2020
“Untitled (I am shaped by dreams)"
fourteenth annual issue
“Rubylith as a Revolutionary”
Sinister Wisdom,
Winter 2016
Up The River
Issue 7, 2015- "One"​​
“BB’s in the House”
Oberon, 2010
“Another Troy: the Remix”
“Mrs. DeB”
“Children Too”
“A Fireproof Box”
“I Made The Sky Bright Pink”
“Ibiza”-March, 2002
Spoken Word/Electronic Music
on Screed’s compilation CD (magazine insert)
“about this building/all buildings
are equal” -Nov, 2002, photograph,
“Ms. K Before the Bell” -June '2002, 19 Current Poets
"The daughters of lions are lions too"
13th Moon, 1996
University at Albany, XII, XIV
"Planting"/"Poem for a sticky night in a row house"
Open Mic: The Albany Anthology
Hudson Valley Writers Guild
Albany, NY 1994